Wednesday 1 May 2013

7.Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the product?


These are the two mastheads that I have created for my work. One is from my preliminary and other is for my actual magazine cover. I would say that the first image does not look professional like the image below it. Although the colours of the font work together, it does not work with the background. On the other hand the second image is more attractive because of the use of effects on the text such as drop shadow on the background and on the text. 

from research I learnt that masthead size matters on a magazine. I think that the second image is more professional and will catch the consumers eye.  I think that from looking at these two mastheads you can clearly see the improvement. The size of the first masthead is too small which means that it wouldn't really catch the consumers eye and font doesn't look professional and you wouldn't expect to see it on the shelf. I feel that from researching on magazine I can clearly see the mistakes I made on my preliminary task.

front cover image
From looking at the preliminary task you can see that the pallet is not very good due to the lighting and the background. From working and researching for my product I have learnt that I have to consider the mise en scene when taking a photograph and I've learnt that everything on the image has to have purpose of being there. As you can see on my product I have also learnt to use programs such as Photoshop to discard the background of the image cause I felt that having a blank background will allow me to use colours more effectively. 

Also on the preliminary task you can see that the main cover line is not very good and does not give much information to the reader on what the main image is about which makes it seem unprofessional on the other hand my finish product, you can see that the main cover line is clearly on the main image giving the readers information straight away on who the image is about. 

In the preliminary task you can see that there is not much cover lines used which makes the magazine look really empty and boring and doesn't give the readers much information on what the magazine is about on the other on my final product you can see plenty of cover lines, buzz words, website etc. which makes it look more professional. From working on this media product I have learnt the codes and conventions of the magazine and I have learnt that certain magazines like Q have a layout on their magazine. 

 In terms of the fonts i used for the preliminary task and for my finished product I have learnt a lot through research and using Indesign. You can see straightaway the difference between the two magazines. For my finished product for all the cover lines, capital letters are used this is because I wanted them all to stand to the readers and making them think that each cover line is as important as the other one. As you can see on the preliminary task you can see the mixture of the capital letters and small case letters, Looking back at it now, I feel that it was a mistake and it makes it look very unprofessional.

As you can see on my finished product you can see that the colours remaind similar and coordinated from black, red and white and it worked well with the white background. On the other hand before learning about taking images, I have used blue, white and black and it didn't work well with the green background.

From working on my magazine I have learnt plenty of things about doing my contents page. From research and planning I have learnt the codes and convention of a contents page, I had to make sure that I had the page number, date and logo and web address and I also learnt that the contents page doesn't only have to contain the headlines on the magazine but also a editors page can be included. As you can see from my preliminary task before researching about contents pages. I didn't include the page number and date of the issue of the magazine.

As you can see I chosen to do a double page spread for my media product this is because so I can include a reasonable amount of page numbers to make the magazine look professional. I wanted to include pictures not just about music but are also related to the music.I have considered the mise en scene and used editing tools to make it look better. On the other hand on my preliminary task you can see that the images are boring and uninteresting and no editing was used. You can see that simple colours are used which makes it look unattractive and plain. For my finished product I used colors similar to my front cover because i feel that black, red and white are good colors to attract both sexes.

In conclusion. 

through the progression of working on my magazine pages I have learnt that there is more to than just adding titles and images on page on making a magazine. I have learnt that you have to think consider very hard before choosing an image. I have learnt that a medium close up shot is used for images in front cover. Through research I have learnt the codes and conventions of a magazine and the do's and don't when creating it. From working on my other pages I have learnt it is important to show the brand of the magazine on each pages. Throughout the whole process I have learnt to use different software's to create and present my work.

Monday 29 April 2013

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing your product?

5. How did you attract/adress your audience

5 from doruelojp1

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

From the beginning i already knew what genre of magazine i was going to produce because of the music i listen to will be strongly influenced by it.

my target audience for my music would be aged between 16 - 24 year old. I feel that this is the right target age because of the maturity needed to the content of the magazine. My magazine is dominantly targeted to the male as the content, genre and representations will strongly relate to them.

The contents of the magazine will strongly appeal to this age group because the magazine doesn't only offer artist interviews but also offers articles which could relate to readers which could offer them support. Also the magazine doesn't just talk about music it also offers knowledge on the culture of this genre.

For my target audience i wanted to target readers that were similar to people who read 'XXL' or 'VIBE' magazines. I am someone who would read this type of genre. Creating this magazine and writing the article has made me learn that i could not only talk about the artists music but also their backgrounds.

So because hip hop/ rap music mostly talks about problems and troubles and sometimes fame. I feel that my audience for my media product can not just learn about music but can also learn from other people.

The audience for my magazine will have similar outfits and will wear certain brands. I feel that i have a wide variety of target audience because there's many things that connects with it such as, basketball strongly linked to hip hop, sometimes hip hop music is played during half times in the NBA which tells us that basketball fans could be potential readers of the magazine.

Another is Break dancing, Break dancing is a form of dance which can only be danced to playing hip hop music. Which again could create more potential readers, as seen on my contents page, my magazine doesn't only offer the latest music news but also activities that links to the same genre

Graffiti is also linked to the hip hop scene which could mean that the audience who are interested in graffiti will also be interested in hip hop music.
the audience for my magazine will
also be someone who is confident and cocky because this goes with the hip hop/rap personality. This is expressed on the image by the body language of my artist and what he is wearing expressing that he doesn't care.

In conclusion my target audience would be:

  • aged between 16 - 25 at the age where music is relevant and highly influential according to what music they listen to and i feel that hip hop lyrically offers this.
  • There's going to be a higher proportion of males readers than females.
  • Tend to be confident and follows the latest fashion. 
  • They have high ambitions to be wealthy and influential.
  • They follow the latest technology and uses all media products especially the TV and the internet.

3.what kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Sunday 28 April 2013

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My product is target towards the age 16-21 and is designed to appeal to certain social group. I feel that I have achieved this through the use images and language that I used and the written content that i wrote.

For my product I believe that my magazine represents similar social groups such as XXL magazine ( image on the left ). The artist is not looking towards the camera creating a mystery to the readers. His hand gestures shows that he is praying or begging for something which could create different stories to a readers mind. To contrast my image is the artist looking down almost at the same creates a sense of mystery and at the same time creates questions on why is he looking down.

I think through their costume you can tell that they don't belong to a rock genre.
I think the image straight away tells us that this represents hip hop. for my magazine i decided to crop the background trying to make it similar as the image shown above.

Just by seeing the mise en scene and seeing the graffiti you can quickly assume that this is hip hop because graffiti links in with the hip hop culture presenting a particular social group.The costumes contrast's with the background because you quickly assume that because of the background that he is in the rough however he is wearing a designer watch which creates a sense that he could be going to his roots, creating a sense of getting out of poverty.

His pose also creates a sense of a laid back type and that he doesn't care. His hand on his belt buckle creates a sense that he is confident and him looking not at the camera but slight looking creates a sense that he too good to be looking at the camera.

the image on the right is in the contents page and its a person dancing. He is break dancing which also relates to the hip hop culture which also straight away gives a sense on what particular social group my product is.

I also language that is related to hip hop which a certain social group could only understand. Hip hop uses slang terms and catchy slogans to try and relate with the audience. I tried to create a similar slogan for my artist to create a sense of cockiness. Hip hop/ rap lifestyle is about being cocky and having confidence and not being afraid to show your wealth.

Saturday 27 April 2013

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge forms and conventions of a real media products.

Article page slide share below.

Contents page. 

for my contents page I decided to make it similar to a Q magazine. I know that Q is not focused on the hip hop genre but however ranges to all genre so i thought it was appropriate for me to use it as influence for my contents page. As you can see below is the contents page of a Q magazine although one page is used, i decided to do a double page spread for my own so that i could add more information.

I also used subsidiary images to create more variety for the contents page.
For my subsidiary images i used images that relates to hip hop. For example the second image is a person break dancing which relates to the culture of hip hop which could not only attract hip hop readers but dancers. For the first image I used a wide shot showing his full costume which is also related to hip hop having a bright variety of clothing. I feel  that i could have used better subsidiary images but due to lack of time the images were taken at a late notice and didn't give me enough time to plan it.

i followed the codes and conventions of a typical contents page by having the main article as the biggest image on the page. The image also relates to the hip hop/ rap genre because the graffiti that is seen on the background.

 the title of my contents is similar to Q's contents page with the use of black, red and white. I chose this because it is simple but also at the same time looks attractive. I also added the month and page number to give readers information on what issue it is.  I also included the magazines web address to show that it is a multi platform company.

for the main image on my contents page links to the article and straight away shows that its a hip hop/rap related image because of the graffiti that is seen on the background. I think this image really works with the contents page because it stands out really well in the page.

I also added an editors box just like Q's magazine so it creates more interactivity with the readers. for the contents page colour scheme i chose a mixture of red, white and black. I chose these colours because they are both appealing to both male and female audience. I think the use of bright colours catches the readers eyes more.

For page numbers, I went up to 60 to show that my magazine has wide range of interviews and stories for the readers. I used names of popular hip hop artists to catch the readers eyes and at the same time show that my magazine is a successful brand because it is able to gain access to big artists.