Wednesday 1 May 2013

7.Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the product?


These are the two mastheads that I have created for my work. One is from my preliminary and other is for my actual magazine cover. I would say that the first image does not look professional like the image below it. Although the colours of the font work together, it does not work with the background. On the other hand the second image is more attractive because of the use of effects on the text such as drop shadow on the background and on the text. 

from research I learnt that masthead size matters on a magazine. I think that the second image is more professional and will catch the consumers eye.  I think that from looking at these two mastheads you can clearly see the improvement. The size of the first masthead is too small which means that it wouldn't really catch the consumers eye and font doesn't look professional and you wouldn't expect to see it on the shelf. I feel that from researching on magazine I can clearly see the mistakes I made on my preliminary task.

front cover image
From looking at the preliminary task you can see that the pallet is not very good due to the lighting and the background. From working and researching for my product I have learnt that I have to consider the mise en scene when taking a photograph and I've learnt that everything on the image has to have purpose of being there. As you can see on my product I have also learnt to use programs such as Photoshop to discard the background of the image cause I felt that having a blank background will allow me to use colours more effectively. 

Also on the preliminary task you can see that the main cover line is not very good and does not give much information to the reader on what the main image is about which makes it seem unprofessional on the other hand my finish product, you can see that the main cover line is clearly on the main image giving the readers information straight away on who the image is about. 

In the preliminary task you can see that there is not much cover lines used which makes the magazine look really empty and boring and doesn't give the readers much information on what the magazine is about on the other on my final product you can see plenty of cover lines, buzz words, website etc. which makes it look more professional. From working on this media product I have learnt the codes and conventions of the magazine and I have learnt that certain magazines like Q have a layout on their magazine. 

 In terms of the fonts i used for the preliminary task and for my finished product I have learnt a lot through research and using Indesign. You can see straightaway the difference between the two magazines. For my finished product for all the cover lines, capital letters are used this is because I wanted them all to stand to the readers and making them think that each cover line is as important as the other one. As you can see on the preliminary task you can see the mixture of the capital letters and small case letters, Looking back at it now, I feel that it was a mistake and it makes it look very unprofessional.

As you can see on my finished product you can see that the colours remaind similar and coordinated from black, red and white and it worked well with the white background. On the other hand before learning about taking images, I have used blue, white and black and it didn't work well with the green background.

From working on my magazine I have learnt plenty of things about doing my contents page. From research and planning I have learnt the codes and convention of a contents page, I had to make sure that I had the page number, date and logo and web address and I also learnt that the contents page doesn't only have to contain the headlines on the magazine but also a editors page can be included. As you can see from my preliminary task before researching about contents pages. I didn't include the page number and date of the issue of the magazine.

As you can see I chosen to do a double page spread for my media product this is because so I can include a reasonable amount of page numbers to make the magazine look professional. I wanted to include pictures not just about music but are also related to the music.I have considered the mise en scene and used editing tools to make it look better. On the other hand on my preliminary task you can see that the images are boring and uninteresting and no editing was used. You can see that simple colours are used which makes it look unattractive and plain. For my finished product I used colors similar to my front cover because i feel that black, red and white are good colors to attract both sexes.

In conclusion. 

through the progression of working on my magazine pages I have learnt that there is more to than just adding titles and images on page on making a magazine. I have learnt that you have to think consider very hard before choosing an image. I have learnt that a medium close up shot is used for images in front cover. Through research I have learnt the codes and conventions of a magazine and the do's and don't when creating it. From working on my other pages I have learnt it is important to show the brand of the magazine on each pages. Throughout the whole process I have learnt to use different software's to create and present my work.

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