Sunday 28 April 2013

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My product is target towards the age 16-21 and is designed to appeal to certain social group. I feel that I have achieved this through the use images and language that I used and the written content that i wrote.

For my product I believe that my magazine represents similar social groups such as XXL magazine ( image on the left ). The artist is not looking towards the camera creating a mystery to the readers. His hand gestures shows that he is praying or begging for something which could create different stories to a readers mind. To contrast my image is the artist looking down almost at the same creates a sense of mystery and at the same time creates questions on why is he looking down.

I think through their costume you can tell that they don't belong to a rock genre.
I think the image straight away tells us that this represents hip hop. for my magazine i decided to crop the background trying to make it similar as the image shown above.

Just by seeing the mise en scene and seeing the graffiti you can quickly assume that this is hip hop because graffiti links in with the hip hop culture presenting a particular social group.The costumes contrast's with the background because you quickly assume that because of the background that he is in the rough however he is wearing a designer watch which creates a sense that he could be going to his roots, creating a sense of getting out of poverty.

His pose also creates a sense of a laid back type and that he doesn't care. His hand on his belt buckle creates a sense that he is confident and him looking not at the camera but slight looking creates a sense that he too good to be looking at the camera.

the image on the right is in the contents page and its a person dancing. He is break dancing which also relates to the hip hop culture which also straight away gives a sense on what particular social group my product is.

I also language that is related to hip hop which a certain social group could only understand. Hip hop uses slang terms and catchy slogans to try and relate with the audience. I tried to create a similar slogan for my artist to create a sense of cockiness. Hip hop/ rap lifestyle is about being cocky and having confidence and not being afraid to show your wealth.

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