Monday 29 April 2013

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

From the beginning i already knew what genre of magazine i was going to produce because of the music i listen to will be strongly influenced by it.

my target audience for my music would be aged between 16 - 24 year old. I feel that this is the right target age because of the maturity needed to the content of the magazine. My magazine is dominantly targeted to the male as the content, genre and representations will strongly relate to them.

The contents of the magazine will strongly appeal to this age group because the magazine doesn't only offer artist interviews but also offers articles which could relate to readers which could offer them support. Also the magazine doesn't just talk about music it also offers knowledge on the culture of this genre.

For my target audience i wanted to target readers that were similar to people who read 'XXL' or 'VIBE' magazines. I am someone who would read this type of genre. Creating this magazine and writing the article has made me learn that i could not only talk about the artists music but also their backgrounds.

So because hip hop/ rap music mostly talks about problems and troubles and sometimes fame. I feel that my audience for my media product can not just learn about music but can also learn from other people.

The audience for my magazine will have similar outfits and will wear certain brands. I feel that i have a wide variety of target audience because there's many things that connects with it such as, basketball strongly linked to hip hop, sometimes hip hop music is played during half times in the NBA which tells us that basketball fans could be potential readers of the magazine.

Another is Break dancing, Break dancing is a form of dance which can only be danced to playing hip hop music. Which again could create more potential readers, as seen on my contents page, my magazine doesn't only offer the latest music news but also activities that links to the same genre

Graffiti is also linked to the hip hop scene which could mean that the audience who are interested in graffiti will also be interested in hip hop music.
the audience for my magazine will
also be someone who is confident and cocky because this goes with the hip hop/rap personality. This is expressed on the image by the body language of my artist and what he is wearing expressing that he doesn't care.

In conclusion my target audience would be:

  • aged between 16 - 25 at the age where music is relevant and highly influential according to what music they listen to and i feel that hip hop lyrically offers this.
  • There's going to be a higher proportion of males readers than females.
  • Tend to be confident and follows the latest fashion. 
  • They have high ambitions to be wealthy and influential.
  • They follow the latest technology and uses all media products especially the TV and the internet.

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