Wednesday 28 November 2012

the mission statement

Create a mission statement for your music magazine.
read the example for the women magazine "frank" and develop the following ideas for your own magazine;

  • explain what kind of music magazine you hope to create by focusing on genre and style.
  • explain the audience that you are trying to target.
  • give a brief overview of the content of your magazine
  • Describe the tone and attitude of your magazine
  • explain the role that you think your magazine will play in the lives of its readers

The kind of music magazine I'm hoping to create is a hip hop/ rap magazine where i focusing on hip hop culture, i will be copying the layout and style of the magazine as well as the images used. I will try and recreate the images used by copying the clothing and mise-en-scene. i will also be copying the fonts used and type of language used that relates to hip hop/ rap culture. The type of audience I will be targeting will range from 16-35 because due to hip hop / rap culture, sometime using inappropriate language to describe their lifestyle etc. The content of my magazine will include interview from different artists talking about hip hop and how they went from 'rags to riches' and will include upcoming songs and new artists making a debut to the hip hop/ rap world. The tone and attitude of my magazine will be mainly focusing on the life style of the artists  and how they used hip hop/ rap to get out of poverty and how they described through lyrics. The role that my magazine will play to my readers will try to inspire them if they are in a rough situation or struggling in life, my magazine will play a role of readers reading about different artists and what they're music is about and how they try to relate with the readers of how they can be ambitious to have the same lifestyle as the artists on my magazine.

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