Sunday 13 January 2013

possible images that will be used in my magazine.

reader profile

  • He/She will range from 16 - 24
  • there will be 60% who will listen to this type of music and 40% who will listen and will be interested in this type of magazine and will want to learn and get involved in this type of genre due to the fact that this type of genre is not widely popular due to it being an american culture.
  • 80% will be male and 20% will be female.
  • They will be interested in hip hop culture which will effect their appearance and they will more likely be wearing baggy clothes and hats or also known as 'snap-backs' 
  • He/She will always have some sort of device to listen to music on the go and will be using high quality equipment to listen such as dre beats headphones which is very popular in the hip hop community.
  • He/She will use social networking sites such as twitter or Facebook and most update will consist of hip hop song lyrics with a powerful meaning.
  • He/She will also use sites such as YouTube to find upcoming artist to hit the rap scene
  • The reader will use american slang that is used in the hip hop culture.
  • The reader will be interested in basketball, break-dancing and graffiti which are part of the hip hop culture.

hip hop magazine article analysis

i have searched the internet to find information and inspiration on doing my article page. This article is from vibe magazine. Not sure if i like this type of layout for my article because it doesn't look that attractive for readers to read due to how much reading is involved which could lose the readers interest and not read the article and the colors looks plain and boring, the main colors used are black and red.
Although i like the use of black and white on the image. Unlike other magazines the brand identity is shown on the top right hand side. The first image used is the artist looking down as if he doesnt want any attention but he is smiling which could be related to the article. A black background is used for the image which could also blend in the with second image because it is in black and white.

this next is article is taken from hip hop weekly, I'm not sure if i like the this type of article layout for a magazine, however it is more attractive than the last one because of the use of different bright colors. From reading this article i realize that the article is written as if it was an interview which could attract audiences to read due to the fact that these questions are highly demanded for an answer. 
however if you look at the article above and next article below at-least two or more images are used. I will also be looking at articles from other genres to compare with the genre im using and to see the difference. The image is in black and white with the cover line in big bold white and red writing to really get the readers attention.
this next article is taken from vibe, i really like this type of style for a article because it looks attractive. I think the use of the black and white images showing movement or different poses in the back and one main colored main image really adds to the style of the article and makes it look creative. 
I think all the white spaces are covered efficiently and the number of text of is enough to satisfy a magazine reader. The use of words such as "in the lab" is used to show the slang that is used in this type of genre of magazine.
Other than my own genre i also looked at other articles from other genres. I really like this article of lily allen because of the style of the title which looks really creative and would attract a reader. its bold and eye catching, the cover line is a pull quote from the text and in big boxed font which comes across as authentic and arty which makes it look like it is done by hands. 
The main image pose and costume and make up really blends in well with the magazine color scheme. the hands on her hips shows that her body language that she is demanding attention while looking at the reader, this type of pose to the reader helps to catch the reader eye when flicking through the pages of the magazine.