Sunday 7 October 2012

Lesson about using images in a magazine

  • Last lesson I learnt that choosing images for a magazine is complicated. 
  • I learnt that you need consider everything in the image and look at every little detail. 
  • I learnt that you have to consider everything in the surrounding picture because they could be distracting, such as objects, structures, shapes, color or textures that could spoil the composition by distracting focus from the main object or person. 
  • I learnt that if you are taking an image of a person, you should be able to see the top of the head to shoulder in a medium close up shot.
  • I also learnt that facial expression or body language of a person can affect or tell us more about what we are trying to represent if we had to choose a main image. 
  • In conclusion, I shall be more considerate of what pictures I take and what I want them to represent and check the little details behind the image.

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