Wednesday 24 October 2012

Contents page analysis

1. What is the function of a contents page?
The contents page is used by readers as a guide for information about the magazine, the function of a contents page is to present to the reader what's in the magazine and tell you the sub title on each pages.

2. How does the reader use a contents page?
The reader uses the contents page to navigate to help them find the articles they want to read or the ones they are interested in.

3.What is the conventional layout for a contents page in a magazine?
A conventional layout of a magazine is that it will have the title "contents" and the page numbers along with their titles will be listed with their page number this would usually be along the left hand side and it will also include images and one main image.

4.What is the conventional design for a contents page?
The design of a contents page of a magazine can vary because of the type of magazine it is for example a music magazine like this one seen on the left is using black, red and white. Other magazine would have a different combination of colors.

5. How much information does a contents page contain?
A contents page contains very little information because it tries to attract you more about the headings on the page and make you more interested on what the article is about.

6. What information does a contents page contain?
It would contain little information and would give a brief information on sub heading on each page and maybe a little paragraph to give a little introduction.

7. How are images used in a conventional contents page?
Images are used wisely and a magazine would have their own number of images they want on their magazine, however they put enough images to make the contents page not look cluttered and looking organised.

8. How is language used in a conventional contents page?
language in the magazine can be formal and informal because sometimes in the contents page it sometimes contains band interviews or artist interviews and what they say would be quoted and can be sometimes formal because of critic reviews.

9. What are the key codes and conventions of a contents page?
the key codes and conventions of a contents page would be that the magazine has reasonable amount of images and not give too much information away about the articles included in the magazine to make the readers interested.

10. How does the function of a contents page affect its layout and design?
The function of a contents page can be highly affected by its layout and design for example if the contents page is layout in a way that is all cluttered it would be hard for the reader to navigate and if the images and design is not attractive and makes the reader want to read the magazine it could lose customers and potential readers.

Monday 8 October 2012

School magazine indesign

Class work

Using Indesign

·         Create new document
·         Show document grid
·         Use rectangle frame tool
·         Use type tool
·         Select font
·         Change text size
·         Use colour picker
·         Create text effects using the stroke function
·         Use layers
·         Import an image using adobe bridge
·         Change image size
·         Crop an image

Sunday 7 October 2012

Lesson about using images in a magazine

  • Last lesson I learnt that choosing images for a magazine is complicated. 
  • I learnt that you need consider everything in the image and look at every little detail. 
  • I learnt that you have to consider everything in the surrounding picture because they could be distracting, such as objects, structures, shapes, color or textures that could spoil the composition by distracting focus from the main object or person. 
  • I learnt that if you are taking an image of a person, you should be able to see the top of the head to shoulder in a medium close up shot.
  • I also learnt that facial expression or body language of a person can affect or tell us more about what we are trying to represent if we had to choose a main image. 
  • In conclusion, I shall be more considerate of what pictures I take and what I want them to represent and check the little details behind the image.

Magazine redraft analysis